vivariums gallery

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We are asking you to send your VIVARIUM pictures to us. Your pictures will be appreciated by our visitors. Any size pictures are acceptable with
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A large Vivarium for dart frogs in the Oita Marine Palace Aquarium 'UMITAMAGO'. It's large enough for bigger plants are growing well. Click hereto see large pictures.

Kogure's Vivarium for Red Eye Tree Frogs. You must find a nice photo the frog is yawning. This species alway wake up in the evening, we may have some chance to see they yawn. Click here to see larege pictures.

The same vivarium the 9th bilow parson (2008.5.31) from this line. This seems to be getting better. Click hereto see large pictures.

Miyazaki's Vivariumu from Japan for Mantella madagascariensis. It seems to be good enough for frogs even he (or she) is still a student in junior high school. And he sent nice message for me, it made me encourige, thanks. click hereto see large pictures.

Choco's Vivarium from France, it's not for frogs, but I am very interested in its decoration is based on cadboard paper.Click here to see large pictures.

Scott's Vivarium for 3 tree frogs. Yellow one seems albino, but it is not albino. Anyway, Click here to see large pictures

Nelcadiz's Vivarium for D.leucomelas. Tillandsia like this shape is my favorite. Click here to see large pictures.

From Japan Miyake's 3 Vivariums for Dendrobates azureus. 4 Metal halide lamps seems to be working enough for the plants growing. Click here to see large pictures.
AR's Vivarium for Fire bellied toads and Cuban tree frogs. I have visited to Yutube, but not known there are many videoes about Vivarium. Now, I am enjoying seeing Vivarium video. Click here to see large pictures
Wild Sky's old customer Satoh's 2 Vivariums for D.azureus and P.terribilis. These photoes have been taken with a camera equiped on a moblephone.Click here to see larger pictures.
From Japan Harada's Vivarium for a couple of some Dendrobatidae, he has sent message in Japanese, I will translate to in another language later. Click hereto see larger pictures.
Eric J's Vivarium, who has contributed another pictures to us on 2006.6.21 bilow. It's seems for Red Eyes Treefrog. There is an small waterfall. Click hereto see larger pictures.
Mar.8 2008
Marcus's Vivariumu for some treefrogs and gecko from Canada. A atearway of rokcs makes a waterfall. That's good. click here to see larger pictures.
Mar.9 2008
Ken's Vivarium for turtles. Well I wish I could keep frogs rather than turtles in so large as this terrarium. Anyway, click here to see large pictures.
Dec.18 2007
Egon's greehouse for Vivarium. He has been sending many pictures to us for these years. Then I have my friendly impresion with him when I see his Vivariums. Click here to see large pictures.
Dec.16 2007
Adam's Vivariums. He sent pictures of 2 his tanks but I can not say which is No.1 or No.2. Anyway, Click here to see large pictures.
Nov.21 2007
J.Seong's Vivarium from South Korea. We can see a water streeming on the wood. Click here to see large pictures.
Nov.20 2007
Eugeniusz's Vivarium from Poland. I guess that this case has 75cm width from planting, but not sure because htere are small plants in the recent market. Click here to see large pictures.
Oct.25 2007
Claudis's 105gal. vivarium. We can see rain dropping in the fifth picture. Rain system is not common in our hoby, but I am interested in it. well, I will try to fix a rain system in my vivarium in the future. Click here to see large pictures.
Oct.10 2007
Mauricio's Vivarium for Anolis. With an aquarium 100x50x50cm case. The deeper substrate is the better when you use an aquarium case without drain. Click here to see large pictures.
Oct.8 2007
Mike's Vivarium for Red Eyes Treefrogs. It has taken 2 monthes to built it by himself. Well, I an not understand if the part of glass has been made by him. anyway, Click here to see large pictures.
Sep.17 2007
Walter's Vivarium from Califonia U.S.A. I would be better if frogs live in the water. But these fishes may be food for frogs...difficult Click here to see large pictures.
Sep.10 2007
Gonzalo's second Vivarium from Spain. Can you find a blue frog(Dendrobates azureus) ? Click here to see large pictures.
Scott's vivariumu from USA, fpr some treefrogs and red eyedfrogs are in it. Click here to see large pictures.
July 21 2007
Miecho's Vivarium from Poland. I understood with these photoes ,that Polish people have also larger space for their Vivariums than Japanese. Click here to see large pictures.
July19 2007
From Brazil Leonard's Vivarium. Its size is 35cm cube. These pictures had sent in the last January to me, sorry my too late job and thank you.Click here to see large pictures.
June27 2007
Rafael's Vivarium for Red Eyes Treefrogs. This larger vivarium is built outside maybe in his garden. Click here to see larger pictures.
June25 2007
Martin's Vivarium from Canada. These have been sent to us in the last Febrary, it seems the plants are growing to like to be a jungle now four monthes later. Click here to see large pictures.
Jun.5 2007
Ian's Vivarium for Red Eyes Treefrogs. The circle on the water what is started by drip of the waterfall is beautifull. Click here to see large pictures.
Mar.1 2007

From Hong Kong Anson's Vivarium. We can see how he worked. Click here to see large pictures.
Feb.28 2007

Kuniyasu's Vivarium from Japan. Dendrobates auratus live in it. Click here to see large pictures.
Feb.28 2007

In Henriette's Vivarium Tillandsia is blooming. It seems Tillandsia capitata. Click here to see large pictures.
Feb.17 2007

Tyler's Vivarium for D.pumilio 'Bastimentos'. It had set in the last September and sent to me in the last December, well, my job is delayed again,, sorrry. He sent very beautifull photo of 'Bastimentos' Click hereto see large pictures.
Feb.17 2007

Toby's Vivarium for native Australian frogs. They are pretty charming.Click here to see large pictures.
Dec.28 2006

There are a lot of pictures from Paul who havs built the large fixed Vivarium. The first picture is another one that book shelf with glass has been transfered to Vivariums. It is slso interesting to us. Click here to see large pictures.
Dec.28 2006

From Czech Republic Honza's Vivarium, it is the first for him. Its covercase seems himself made, interesting in the inside. Click here to see large pictures.
Dec.5 2006

From Germany Peter K.'s Vivarium. Deep planting seems enough light to grow every plant. Click here to see large pictures.
Oct.18 2006

Jonatas's Vivarium for Mantella. I am glad he has sometimes visited my site for a long time. Click here to see large pictures.
Oct.18 2006

Jaime and her boyfriend's Vivarium and terrarium. Tillandsia is looks good condition. Click here to see large pictures.
Sep.21 2006

These nice pictures are unfortunately noname. I would like to ask you to atatch your name or nickname with pictures. Click here to see large pictures.
Aug.17 2006

Japanese Takaoka's for 8 small Dendrobatidae. W180,D60,H60cm. Click here to see large pictures.
Aug. 6 2006

Andrew who posted another pictures to us on 2004.1.19 . Lycopodium in his Vivarium are really beautiful Click here to see large pictures.
July 17 2006

Jesko's Vivarium for dartfrogs. He is enjoying a rainforest in his bedroom. Click here to see large pictures.
July 14 2006

Wilco's Vivarium. There is a water fall made with some stones and mortar (my guess). click here to see large pictures.
July 6 2006

Eric JS's Vivarium for D.pumilio and D.auratus. He taught what Mundial means to me. Thank you. Click here to see large pictures
June 21 2006

Carlos's from Barcelona Spain for D.azureus and D.ventrimaculatus. I suporse the driftwood is making nice view. Click here to see large pictures and his message.
Jun.12 2006

The second vivarium of A.Rosario on Apr.10 2006. He is active on BBS in this site. Click here to see large pictures.
May30 2006

Troys's Vivarium for Dendrobates tinctorius, the same parson who have posted to here on 2005.7.20. I am enjoying beautifull frogs and plants, and I am really interested in the picture put on the wall bakc of the Vivarium. click here to see large pictures.
May 18 2006

R.Gonella's who is the same as on Jan.5 2005. This Vivarium is for Dendrobates pumilio. We may be able see froglets a couple of monthes later. Click here to see large pictures.
Apr.27 2006

Haasegawa's Vivarium from Japan, 45x45x45cm, he will keep poison frogs in this case soon. Click here to see large pictures.
Apr.10 2006

Rosario's Vivarium is growing since the 3rd bilow Feb.14. Click here to see large pictures.

These are also from Dr.Murata. I can see a rear plant for us Japanese. The vine plant with Dendrobates auratus 'Microspot' is collected in Bocas Del Toro Panama by Denish Max. That has gone from my Vivariums. Click here to see large pictures.

Dr.Murata's Vivarium from Japan. This is fitted in the space on the wall. Wiedth 900, Depth 450, Hieght 320mm. The depth is wrong that is my mistaking his order. I am appliciated his pacient very much. He is keeping many frogs, I will upload more pictures from him. Click here to see large pictures.

Rosario's Vivarium. I wonder what is on the back and side wall glued. He is very active on the Keijiban" board". Also, Click here to see large pictures.

Alec's Vivarium from Taiwan, Taichung. Dendrobates azureus and leucomelas live in it happy. Click here to see large pictures.

From Taiwan Toshio's 3 Vivariums for show displaying, his Vivarium are also on Oct.24th2003 bilow. He postted them to me in the last Summer. I am really sorry for my too late job. Click here to see large pictures.

This James's Vivarium is for his snake. There may be froggers who mind snake. So the large pictures page has unsharp pictures of snake. And you can see shap pictures of snake by the second click.. Click here to see large pictures.

Cees and Corrie's Vivariums for The Netherland. i envy a large Vivarium...and really mind very much what the cat is looking. Click here to see large pictures.

Mark's first Vivarium. Lycopodium looks nice ! Click here to see large pictures and message.

From The Netherland Robbertt's Vivarium. I have seen there are many smalled Bromeliads in Dutch market for not so high prices. That's good for people who are interested in Vivariums. Click here to see large pictures and message.

Dominick's first Vivarium for Dendrobatidae. s Nice such as large Vivarium has enough space. Click here to see large pictures and message.

Evan's for african fire skink. I do not know animals without frogs. Is skin Lizard ? These pictures got me to know where african skink lives. Click here to see large pictures and his message.

Jesse W.'s 40 gallon Vivarium. He said he would put bulue dart frogs soon,,,, well, I supose he had already done it,, sorry for my late job. Click here to see large pictures.

Another additional shots of JC's who is the 3rd bilow parson. He is requiering a BBS for comunication on this "VIVARIUM" page. I will try to set it, give me a coule of weeks. Click here to see large pictures.

Justin's first Vivarium for his Emperor Scorpion. I am specialised in only frogs so that I don't know about Scorpion so much...Anyway, the ancients' ruin is nice. Click here to see large pictures and his message.

This is J.C.'s Vivarium for Dendrobates leucomelas. All materials are natural products to build. Click here to see large pictures.

Well, sorry for my too late updating job. This was a really warm summer, I could keep my concious up to do nothing. These are Guillaume's Vivarium with light box made from wood built by himself. He lives in Tokyo. Click here to see large pictures and his message.

Troy's Vivarium. Because I don't used to the scale of gallon and inch, I can't imagine how large the tank. I wonder if they survive in a cloudy tank. But he says frogs are happy. I am surprised that. Click here to see large pictures and to read message.

Bryson's Vivarium. These pictures were sent to me in the last May. He may already enjoy his rainforest with D.tinctorius or be in Panama?? Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

Nikolai's from Germany. Dendrobates azureus and Anolis calorinensis in it. Recently those two defferent animals are seen in one Vivarium in EU. Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

Mat Chartier's from US. He had minded about cork for his Vivarium. His idea have been gotton in my strage. Click here to see large pictures and to read his description.

From Germany, Flipping Budjunky's three Vivariums. One of them is for Hyla japonicas. That is noce to hear Japanese frogs live in Germany with their happyness. Click here to see large pictures and to read contributor's message.

From Belgium Frank's Vivarium for Dendrobates. Built by himself between funitures. I respect his hands! Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

The eleventh bilow (Jan.17th) N.Ferraz's aadded pictures. Plants seems growing. I am looking forward seeing this Vivarium some monthes later. How much it get Tropical Rainforest more and more. Click here to see large pictures.

Josie AC's Vivarium for Dart Frogs. The view on the backwall is nece ! By the way, here in Japan it is getting warmer and warmer, these weeks are perfect for starting to keep Dart Frogs...Click here to see large pictures and to read message. Those are posted in the last January to me. Ashamed my too late job.

Jason's wetland Vivarium. We have sometimes fun that we find some plants we dodn't plant in Vivarium. Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

M.Dunning's from England for Phyllobates terribilis. He sent some descriptions with pictures. Click here to see large pictures andf his message.

Furuya's first Vivarium for Dendrobates ventrimaculatus.
Japanese are still keeping Dendrobatidae too. Click here to see large pictures.

A.Rosario's second Vivarium which is set by the same who is twelveth below. The view from 'Above case' looks like 'Valley view'...well do you understand what I say? Click here to sse large pictures and to read his message, you may get waht I want to say.

V.Chin's Vivarium. Red eyes tree frogs and day gecko live in it. This is the first for me that both animals are in the same place. I have seen Phelsma klemerrii live with poison frogs, the relativity of their size is same as Red eyes and that animal...Anyway, Click here to see large pictures and his message.

From The Netherlands, Brigitte & Jac's tall Vivarium. They sent 2 same pictures to us, but each pictures are taken at the different lighting case. One is taken when lights on particially, the other is taken full lights on. Full lights on is too bright for photograph, but we can see plants need much light in the tall Vivarium...well, do you understand what I am saying.. Sorry for my poor speeking in English. Click here to see large pictures and their message.

Pamela C's Vivarium is seemed wide but low case. The Red Jasper washed by water are really beautifull. Click here to see large pictures.

David's Vivarium from New York. I like the waterfall from the driftwood in his Vavarium. Click here to see lerge pictures and to read his message.

From Pari N.Lafay's first one. It is seemed the result of this page. That is our pleasure isn't it ? Click here to see lerge pictures and to read his message.
By the way, you may enjoy frogs on this page too.

N.Ferraz's Vivarium for Red Eyes Treefrogs. Those pictures show how to setting Vivarium up. Click here to see large pictures and his explanations.

R.Gonella's for some Poison Frogs. These have been kept by me since the last October. Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

Toyoda's Vivarium for D.tinctorius and P.vittatus from Japan. I have kept these pictures since the last February too. Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

Jesús F.'s Vivarium for Dendrobates tinctorius from Spain.
Well, I have to apologize to many contributors to this site. Jesús F.'s has set in 2003 by himself and these pictures has been sent to me in the last February. Also the billow Christian's has been sent to me in the last February. In those monthes I was working on my book 'Poison Dart Frogs' so hard that I was feeling very tightly. And then I run away from my job for this site. I am still keeping more another parsons'. For a while, I would like to working to recover my very late job.
Anyway, click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

Christian P.'s Vivarium. There is a very cute reed frog what is seeing outside from the center of Bromeliad's roset. Click here to see large pictures and the short message from Christian.

Shawn's Vivarium has been setup for red eyes frogs. He sent a nice mail to me. Click hereto see large pictures and to read the message from Shawn.

Kerman's Vivarium for Geckos Rhacodactylus and Uroplatus Click here to see large pictures.

A.Rosario's first vivarium for White frog. He made it with following Black Jangle's. Click here to see large pictures.

The same person as the 25th below Australian Matt.H's vivarium for Emelard Spoted Tree Frog. His frogs are enjoying the summer.(these pictures are sent in the last Feb.) Click here to see large pictures.

Yvan's Vivarium from Belgium. His message is following. "I 'm a Belgian breeder off Dendrobates. I'm specialized in building Dendrobates envirements. A lot off pictures off other vivaria on my web-site" Click here to see large pictures.

Angela&Dr.M.Liebich's from Germany, they are breeding poison dart frogs in their greenhouse. There are very rear specieses what very few opotunities to see even pictures, I am desiring to see those species. Click here to see large pictures.

Andrew's 15 gallon Vivarium for Red Eye Tree Frogs. White flowers of Orchid are really beautifull. click hereto see large pictures and to read his message.

Inagaki A.'s first set Vivarium for White Frogs (Litria caerulea). This case size is W600×D295×H360mm. She is 18 years old live in Shizuoka Japanclick here to see large pictures.

From London England A.Smith's Vivarium Mantella aurantiaca. These pictures have been sent to me on the last 4thclick here to see large pictures.

The person who posted on Nov.23rd2003 Egon's Vivarium had a crack on its bottom. All renew sceen is above. They have been sent to me Dec.16th in the last year, I am ashamed my rudeclick hereto see large pictures.さい。

Deven sent additional pictures and detail information of his Vivarium. His last posting was on the last Nov.13thClick here to see large pictures and his descriptions

M.Skahan's Vivarium for 5 species Mantella crocea and etc.. Mantella crocea is very raer in Japan. I hope to obtain itClick here to see large pictures and toread his description.

A.Grech's Vivarium from Malta. And Red Eye Treefrog in another VivariumClick here to see large pictures and read his message.

Tim's Vivarium for some Poison Dart Frogs and Anolis from Holland. Planting is very beautifull. Click here to see large pictures and to read descriptions by himself.

Akiyama's from Japan 2 Vivariums for D.auratus Blue and D.ventrimaculatus Duellmani. Some froglets live in width 45cm Vivarium with D.ventrimaculatus Duellmani. Click here to see large pictures.

The same person as the 37th below(2003/1/4) Nishio's selfbuild Vivarium for Tree Frogs. We can not find this type of product in Japan. He decided to do by himselfClick here to see large pictures.

Raf's first setupped Vivarium for Poison Dart Frogs from Belgium. It is too hot in Japanese summer for Poison Dart Frogs. So we Japanese can't put a light in a terrariumClick here to see large pictures.

The same person as the 24th(4/30) below Egon's Vivarium was reset wholeClick here to see large new sceens. There is another Vivarium. Also the background picture arrived from Holland.

Japanese!! Nango's first Vivarium for 3 morphes of D.auratus is 60cmClick here to see large picutuers.

The same person as the 4th below Stefan's 600 litters Vivarium from Denmark. Large Vivarium makes good conditions for Tillandsias. I am enjoying the beautifull ballance between shadow and light. Click here to see large pictures.

Deven's Vivarium with fales bottom and water fall. The water fall looks realityClick here to see large pictures.

Brian S.'s 70cm tall Vivarium for D.leucomelas colony. The same parson posted on Oct.7th2002 below. Click here to see large pictures and descriptions by himself.

F.Decker's facility for Poison Dart Frogs. It is interesting to compear the day of assembling to the eight mothes later. Click here to see large pictures.

Stefan K's Vivarium from Denmark. I have been to Denmark in October 2000. It was already in winter weather condition. I am imaging that in a long winter night a Vivarium beside a fireplace makes their heart warm with the tropical rainforest scean in it and the fire viblations. It must be fantasy. Click here to see large pictures.

Steve's Vivarium for D.auratus Blue. The substrate of this Vivarium is deep. Deep substrate seems to make plants growing very well. The moss in his Vivarium also looks niceClick here to see large picutuers and his message.

The same person as the 21st below(Jan.15th2003) T.Chin's Vivarium in his office from Taipei Taiwan Width45, Depth30,Hieght60cm Click here to see large pictures.

Ashley's Vivarium for D.tinctorius 'Infer Alanis'. This type of Alanis have been not seen in Japan yet. Click here to see large pictures and to read his message.

Phillip S's Vivarium/Paladarium has a flat water stream, it is charming. And the driftwood border looks more natulally. I respect his practical charange.
click here to see large pictures and read the description by himself.

J.Hupp's larger vivarium. The four timers are controling the lighting from the Sunrise to the next Sunrise. That is interesting! click here to see large pictures and read the description written by himself.

The same person the 6th below Matt.H's Vivarium for Emelard Spotted Tree here to see large images and his message.

The same person as the second below Hanenberg's new Vivarium for Dart Frogs. He did not write detales, I guess he hope to enhance a streem. Clich here to see large pictures.

G.Zollinger's Vivarium for minuture Orchids from Tennessee is very interesing. I asked him if the fans are damaged by high humidity and he repllied they are working wellClick here to see large pictures.

The Dart Frogger same as the 18th below J.Hanenberg's 10 gallon Vivarium for D.azureus. The Guzmania's red flower is very impressive and Tillandsia ionantha is good conditon. Click hrer to see large pictures.

T.Mumford's Vivarium. Details were not described. It is rear sample for Japanese that there are lights inside of the tank. Click here to see large pictures.

From Spain Carlos's Vivarium for Dendrobates leucomelas. Details were not atacthed, but it would be 90cm width case. Click here to see large pictures.

The same person of the second below Matt.H 14years sent his Emerald spotted tree frogs imagesClick here to see large pictures and his message.

I love your vivarium section. I check it often for updates and use it as a resorce to get ideas for a large vivarium that i am planning. I will send you pictures when i am done.
I love your site so much that i signed up to get updates e-mailed to me and now I get junk mail in a language that I dont understand! it is fantastic!
Anyway I dont really mind the junk mail because i dont know what they are trying to sell me I just thought it was funny and wanted to mail you about it.
Keep up the great work.
Adam T.(USA)
Thank you so much for sending interesting drowing to us./Jun Matsuzono.
Click here to see the large image.

Hey this is my first frog tank I have ever had. I'm going to put green tree frogs in there and emerald spotted tree frogs... These pics are about 2 months old. I have a lot more plants in the water side and I have a lso put a fluro light at the top and added a misting machine. It works well within 2minutes the tank fills with fog and mist...I am from Australia I'm 14 yrs old. I love herpetology and animals. The other pics are of my water dragons they are 4 months old and love to bask in the sun!!
Matt.H Click here to see large pictures.

These are pictures from my first vivarium - set-up in December 2002 (120 x 100 x 60 cm). The inhabitants are 0/0/5 auratus nominat and 0/0/2 ventrimaculatus. Greetings from germany. P.Klemm Click here to see large pictures.

Hello, My name is E.South. I'm a young tropical frogs lover who lives in France. I had studied in horticulture. I send to you few pictures of my first set-up: a 100x40x50cm tank for few Dendrobates auratus. Click here to see large pictures.

Here are pics of my Red Eye Tree Frog Habitat
20 Gallon tank lit by dual 13 watt power compacts. It will eventually house 10 miniature orchids! G.Goss Click here to see large pictures.

The 23rd below Egon's Vivarium have gotten fullgrowth plants like rainforest !! Click here to see large pictures.

The second below O.Phisy's Vivarium could be seem how big, compear his daughter. And we can see a part of bottom. Click here to see large pictures.

Imanishi's frogs shelf. He is keeping Dendrobates leucomelas and Dendrobates ventrimaculatus. Click here to see large pictures.

O.Phisy's Vivarium for White frogs. It seems big. The fog make a nice view. Click here to see large pictures.

From moscow Bugrov's Vivarium is big. Width100xDenpth45xHieght185cm and kept 40 litters water. White frog live in it. Cryptanthus and Nepenthes has good color light seems enough.Click here to see large pictures.

This is my orchid and Asian fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis) vivarium, 80 cm wide x 40 cm deep x 45 cm tall.
Stephen E Click here to see large pictures.

Joseph F's Vivarium looks like BONSAI. Good ballance plantted. Click here to see large pictures.

Kashiwagi's Width90xDepth45xHieght60cm Vivarium. Click here to see large pictures.

J.Hanenberg's Vivarium. 29 gallons. Red eye tree frogs and some fish live in. Click here to see large pictures.

This is my red eye tree frog/ fire belly toad tank. I also have fresh water fish on one side. Set up was easy. G.Walsh Click here to see large pictures.

From Taiwan, Chin's frogroom building. I took 5 monthes since 2002/09. 6 tanks size はW40cmxD30cmxH45cm and W90cmxD60cmxH120cm and W60cmxD45cmxH90cm. Click here to see large pictures.

Nishio's Japanese big Vivarium in his livingroom. Dendrobates azureus and Dendrobates tinctorius live on the land and leafy fish and Discuss in the water. Click here to see large pictures.

Ohmichi's Width90XD45xH45. Fire berry frogs and etc. live in it. Click here to see large pictures.

W60xD60xH80cm Linda's Vivarium from the Netherlands. Pink Vriesea are beautifull. 3 Dendrobates leucomelas and 4 Epipedobates triclor live in it. Both species call good. Click here to see large pictures.

Marc's big Vivarium from The Netherland.
W125xD50xH100cm. Cocos panels are atatched on the background and peatbricks make hill. For D.leucomelas and D.tinctorius Oyapok。 Click here to see large pictures.

C.Miller's message is Japanese.
no saito ha taihen omoshirokute kireidesu. Boku ha Michigan syuuritsu daigaku no gakusei desu. 11nenkan dokugaeru o motimasita. watasi no kaeruto vivariumno syasin o okurimasita. Histrionicus ha hokano vivarium ni imasu. Boku ha nihongo o site irukara, takusan hanasu noga daisuki desu. ima atarasii suizokukan o site imasu. owatta toki, motto syasin o okurimasyoo. Sosite raigetsu akai lehmanni ga tsuku desyoo. Yorosiku onegaisimasu.
Chris Miller
Click here to see large pictures.

K.Caldwell's hexagon tank Vivarium for frogs. Click here to see large pictures.

The procedure of Micaael's Vivarium. His profession is a painter, colored rocks looks natural. Click here to see large pictures.

From Germany Michael's Vivarium for Dendrobates auratus and Phyllobates lugubris. 100X60X60cm with natural aircirculation. The llast picture is a facility for tadpoles. Click here to see large pictures.

Brian S.'s Vivarium for Phyllobates terribilis and Phyllobates bicolor. It is 75 gallon tith false bottom. Click here

Blooming Tillandsia ionantha in a Steven's Vivarium. Click here to see large pictures.

There are some plants familiar for Japanese in Jean's Vivarium from US. I have tried to write plants' name. Click here to see large pictures.

The same parson as 27th below Cremar's Vivarium is still growing. (1200x500x100cm) Vriesea fosteriana cv.Red Chestnuts is very beautifull with Sunset colored. Click here to see large pictures.

The 3rd below Egon's are added 9x55W lights and heating spot and 3 hqlr 80 watt lamps. Frogs like staying on the 1.5m wood. Click here to see large pictures.

A woodhole in Sugano's Vivarium.

From England David's Vivarium on the wall. It has never seen in Japan. Click here to see large pictures.

Same as the fifth below Egon's Vivarium. Vriesea and Guzmania are added. Click here to see large pictures.

Alan's Vivarium from England. Cocospanels are atatched on the backwall. Click here to see large pictures and to read his description.

The same Vivarium as the fifth below Sumida's. Japanese
bis blooming.

Japanese Sakashita's Vivariums. Matured frogs color is beautifull Click here to see other Vivariums.

Egon's same as the 9th below. This is his 3rd. Some Dendrobates tinctoius Cobalt and some Epipedobates tricolor live in it. And tadpoles are in the water. Click here to see large pictures.

Egon's Vivarium there are a big wood length 1.5m.

There are animalkeeping school nearby Wild Sky. This Vivarium was setuped by their student.

Phyllobates bicolor is calling with beatifull voice in Sumida's Vivarium. Tadpoles may be seen in few monthes.

Brian's Vivarium. Click here to see many other pictures.

Egon's Vivarium same parson as the 5th below is still growing. He found that Dendrobates leucomelas caried tadpoles on its back on the Feb.14th. Click here to see large pictures.

Some Vivariums of Yanagisawa. Dendrobates fantasticus layed eggs in it. He is interested in D.ventrimaculatus, D.imitator intermedius, smmall species.

Nakajima's Vivarium is in glass case for keeping warm. because she live in cold part of Japan.

Yoneyama's Vivarium for Phyllomedusa sauvargii.Both frogs seems good condition.

The same person as Eiben 5th billow is keeping Viper in this Vivarium. This is a photo of one of his newer vivariums. The tank is a
tropical West African biptope which houses a sigle Atheris chlorechis(west african bush viper). The plants include three species of Anubias,a staghorn fern, Selaginella kraussiana, and three species of tropical west african orchids. The Snake is very beautifull, click here to see large photoes

About a month later Egon's Vivarium.
The same person as billow. The plants are getting density, For example Viriesea have inflorescense and Monstella is covered by another plants. clisk hereto see the large photo.

A huse Vivarium from the Netherlands. Width2.70 Depth1.00 Hieght1.25(meters). Over one meter hieght is suitable for Tillandsia usneoides. Set by Egon in April 2000. He keeps Dendrobates azureus, leucomelas, auratus and tinctorius in this tank and 1 single Phylobates bicolor. In his other tank he keeps Epipedobates tricolor too. Click here to see the large picture.

Since I am carrying out [ mind as balance is maintained as it is ] if it sees on the whole, although it thought whether a new share would separate, although it is hesitating to separate soon just for a moment ... Neoregelia which Mr. Inakura says is beautiful. Dendrobates leucomelas live in this Vivarium.

Building house for a frog named Pirupiru Yamamoto

My name is Ben Eiben and I sent in some vivarium photos a while ago,
and I thought that you would enjoy seeing some pictures of my smaller
tropical vivarium. It is a 29 gallon tank that is set up with a false
bottom, with a mix of coconut mulch, orchid bark, and leaf debris. I tried
to make it as close to a neo-tropical biotope as possible, and added the
tree roots as a light refuge. The lighting is 2 X 55 watt 5600K
powercompact lights. There are 7 species of orchids, club mosses, true
mosses, and earth star bromeliads. The tank has been established for 1 year
now, and it was the 1st place winner at the 2000 International Amphibian Day
terrarium contest. It was set up for small neotropical amphibians but it is
currently uninhabited because i cant have animals in my college dormatory.
I hope you enjoy the photos. Also look for new photos this summer on my new project! A
75 gallon coldwater salamander encloure with a chiller loop, and insitu food
supplies as well as insitu larva rearing. Oh so here are the pictures!
The award was a for a terrarium contest held at the International Amphibian
Day in Maryland USA. That terrarium is also pictured in the April issue of
Reptiles magazine, I believe.
click hereto see the large image of the first image(87K)
click hereto see the large image of the fourth(125K)
the second bellow Vivarium is also set by Mr.Eiben

Since it rose in May, 2000, it hardly tampered, but since it was in the jungle state, it refreshed. At that time, the rock was put in, mose was placed on it and ups and downs were attached.(set by Tuchiya)

Eiben's 70 gallon Vivarium which has been set up for 2 years from PA (USA). It houses a trio of Uroplatus phantasticus geckos and a trio of Phelsuma lineata day geckos. The plants are mostly orchids, bromeliads, and ferns, as well as tropical mosses and liverworts. There is a water section in the lower right. Check the moss on the right upper side out with large photo(45k) by click here

Shimoyama's Vivarium for 3 Hyla japonica. In the winter, atatch heating film on the front window, and then, over rup with his selfmade cover for keeping warm.

Mr.Acidmindbender's? vivarium is 38" tall, 34" at it's widest point. Specs: 1 florescent UV bulb on a 12hr cycle 2 fans on top on in one out waterfall as for heat, the snake cage the vivarium sits on keeps the tank between 79 and 85 (night and day) no special plants for now or animals, just wanted to see if I could build one thinking about selling this one so I can build another!

Cramer's Vivarium from the Netherlands.These are the specs of his tank.
Size:120cm. W x 50cm. D x 100cm. H. Almost Japanese hardley set these size of tank up, because of their small space for their frogs.
Lights: 7x35W PL + one UV tube Small
Eheim filter for the waterfall
Aquarium tube heater in the water
Background: Cocospannels
Plants: various incl. orchids and bromelia
Water: Reverse Osmose water
Frogs: 4 Leucomelas and 2 Ventrimaculatus (yellow) all semi adults
Should recomend to see large photo(118k) click here

in the Wild Sky's vivarium

Terakado's New Vivarium. Former is the third billow.

400x450x450mm,Natural air flowing cage, for displaying Poison Dart Frogs at Wild SKy. Coco bricks help to set undulations. Coco panels atatched on the side walls.

With selfmade raining system and ultra sonic fogger, Interested in setting proceduare? click here

Ender's and Carlos's Vivarium with Anolis and Geckos. It seems selfbuilt cage.

Cocos panels are atatched on each side wall and the backwall, streem runs fountain.
Tuchiya's dart vivarium W450XD450XH450

Kinoshita's tric for heating and keeping humid, heater set in the space devised 1/8 of aquarium tank. A pair of D.leucoleas are mating. W600XD300XH360mm

With false bottom vivarium built by Furusawa. Width 3feet, depth 2feet, hieght 2feet, the large vivarium is few case here in Japan.

Iwamoto is enthuest of frogs. Many frogs are looked after by him.
Their conditions are kept well.

Ogawa's 60cm cubic vivarium is built with false bottom.
Many Cryptanthus are planted, they aduot wet area.
Note Tillandsias on the branche, they need well air sirculation.
The new frogroom of Tochytas'.
And their growing Bromeliads.

There are some pictures of Shirai's vivariums. Click the above picture to jump to Shirai's Vivariums.

Zoomup Maeda's Vivarium. Dendrobates leucomelas live in.

Kamitani is keeping some species of Poison Dart Frogs. Epipedobates tricolor is calling with very beautifull voice.

Takayama is keeping some Hyla japonica in this tank W60,D30,H36.
The pond is furnished at the center of his tank.
Cocospanels are atatched on the back wall.
W45cm,D30cm,H45cm, two cocospanels are set on the back wall.

This aquatic vivarium is for Pipa
The Esakas' are enjoying keeping any kinds of frogs, ex.Tree frogs(Leptopelis) from Cameroon, Pipa from south America elce.

Mr.Tschan sent us his vivarium. He keeps poison arrow frogs. 2 Dendrobates auratus couple & 6 dendrobates pumilio.
The tank's dimensions are 120 cm x 100 cm x 70 cm.
He lives in Switzerland.

R.Arndt in Denver CO sent his own coment with picture to us. Here is it.
Construction of the vivaruim:
I used the false bottom setup. I put spacers in the bottom of the tank then
on top of that put eggcrate lighting panels.
Then I put Air Conditioning filter over that.
Then I put around 1" of a special soil on top of the filter.
I buried pots of pothos and assorted bromeliads on the soil.
Then I put in live moss. In the moss I placed pups of bromeliand and cuttings of other plants.
This vivarium has been working for about a month now.
Everything is growing great.

Tokita atached aclylic door on the top of aquarium tank and rolled it upside front by himself.

And he put on aclylic cover on the tanks.

Kitamura's tank is about 50 gallon. My suprise is what a beutifull color conbination. I wish I could show you larger picture.

Kamiyama made his one vivarium cage by himself. His made cage is about 2' hieght. A large plants are planted, dinamic sight. These are 3 cage. He often change planting.The last photo is the tadpole's palace.

There are few plants in this Vivarium right now. Note the Neoregelia Grace and Cryptanthus zonatus(maybe). These plants are seldom selled here in Japan.

This vivarium is large width 5 feet. Tamamizu do everything by his best.
This is in the group of the heaviest planted among Japanese.

Kaneko's Vivarium90*45*45centimetters. Huge planted !! Many species of orchids. The small fan is making wind into, but sometimes change plants because of rotting. Mantella3sepcies,PDF2species, where are they?

Saitoh's Vivariums have another view, these plants coloered light. The almost plants are Orchids. Look at the fourth, he made wall by putting cement on the side and back.

Sakamoto set his Vivariums in his office.Mantella viridis. The device made from stainless is a heater available to cntrol temp. frequently from low to high.

Isozaki is looking forward seeing D.ventrimaculatus tadpoles landing soon(1998.3.4).

Tokita drew his plan by MAC. False bottom, thick earth. One of D.ventrimaculatus Red ulatus Red is calling now.

Ohkubo nursering lots of Tillandsia. She has no animals but three children 2 to 7 years old boy and girl. Tillandsia are put on her handmade display made from cork and berk.

Shiratori have 3 Vvariums. Brachyura sp.Chameleon,Ceratophryne and D.leucomelas.

Seyama is keeping 5 healthy D.auratus CostaRica and good condition plants in 4' Vivarium.Vriesia carinata will bloom.

Kuchinashi made his Vivarium case by himself. There are some inventions.

Ogawa are keeping so many animals in more than 30 Vivariums. His enthusiasm to frogs and geccko is strongly.

Sugiyama emailed a lot of positive suggestion even if the other said that my plan to opening Specialising PDF shop was so risky. I am apriciated his positive opinions.

Kawamura have many knowledge about frogs. We respect his suggestions how to keep or which species.

D.leucomelas are kept. Fat enough and nice yellow like Sunflower.

2 D.auratus Blue are kept in Mzaki's Vivarium. They are rather shy that he can meet them only few.

D.North in U.S.A. gave us a chance to get up his photo.Many plants Neoregelia, Cryptanthus,Vriesia and etc. atract us. D.leucomelas、D.pumilio、D.auratus、E.tricolor are kept.

Okada set up these Vivariums. In one of them E.tricolor are breeding.

Male are carrying tad on his back.

D.ventrimaculatus Red are kept in this vivarium. Look at the slopes at the both side.

My friend lives in U.K. send me photo. This Vivarium is set up his friend lives in the Neaterland. D.leucomelas are kept.

This is my ashamedness,my Vivarium in my home. 2 D.auratus Nicaragua.
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